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“Watani” Board Game


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This convivial and fun game is played on a large board (50*60 cm) and contains a variety of cards (investment vouchers, questions, challenge), miniature Lebanese taxis (pawns)… etc. It can be thought of as a mix of “Trivial Pursuit”, “Rail explorers” except that during the session no use is made of banks, money, buying or selling.

You are curious to know more? Then board a taxi and let the exploration starts. Now, you need to invest in the four regions of anyone Mohafaza, answer questions about Lebanon’s geography, history, culture, arts… etc, and to take up challenges such as dance the dabke, recite the Arabic alphabet…

In order to win the session, a participant is required to have invested in the four regions of a given Mohafaza, to have subsequently reached the Beirut Mohafaza as a final destination and to have fulfilled the required conditions.

The concept sought when creating the game was to help my children and the younger generation link up with Lebanon, learn more about its characteristics, its traditions, its arts, its music, its values and its culture.

Yet, beyond playing the game and enjoying the time spent with family and friends, “watani” is about an exchange of souvenirs and experiences of life in Lebanon, as well as a convivial moment to exchange ideas and possibilities concerning such and such region or such and such an investment project in a given region.


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“Watani” Board Game